The future of healthcare includes technology that seamlessly combines data on patients’ medical history, real-time health and data visualization, insurance coverage, and financial information all to support provider decision-making which will not only improve patient health but also reduce the costs. This will begin by expanding access to patient health and background information.

Here are a few biggest trends:

Virtual Reality in the Healthcare Technology

Virtual Reality has recently started to revolutionize the healthcare industry by not only improving patient recovery time and hospital management but also is being used in many others ways which is helping the whole healthcare system.  The virtual reality market is estimated at USD 6.1 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 20.9 billion by 2025; It is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 27.9% from 2020 to 2025.

Virtual Reality has been very useful to plan complex surgery as surgery teams can already prepare and plan out the whole procedure in advance with the help of a VR set which will improve the doctor’s skillset as well as significantly reduce the medical risks and errors and improve the value of healthcare. It has also been a useful tool for medical students by enabling them to practice and train to improve their skills and knowledge.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Technology

The market potential of Artificial Intelligence is significant. Research shows that AI healthcare and the market are predicted to continually grow from $3.6 billion in 2020 to $120.2 Billion in 2028.

The range of the task that we will be seeing in the future is anywhere from simple to complex including things like answering the phone to medical record review, population health trends and analytics, drug and device designing, making clinical diagnoses and treatment plans, and even talking with patients.

AI has already shown significant improvements in the healthcare industry and providing patients the support and treatment they need, all in all making it a lot easier for both patients and providers by its convenience, increasing efficiency of cost, and reducing the error.

 Digital Prescriptions and Health Records

The idea of reducing the paperwork, reducing the risk and errors by humans, or interpreting the wrong medicines are a few of the aspects behind the digital prescriptions and storage of health records, therefore there will be a steep surge in the use of electronic prescriptions.  e-Rx is a digital version of paper prescription used by healthcare practitioners with the help of software that is available in the market. It will be helpful for both the patients and the practitioners.

Smart Wearable Devices

People are playing a more active role in maintaining and monitoring their health and we can definitely see all the big players like apple shifting to medical wearable devices, even the new apple watch is not just a fitness watch anymore it has the ability to monitor health.

And with the help of IoT and cloud together you can access real-time data about your health and store it as well, from tracking your heart rate to your reproductive cycle you can monitor anything.


The need to stay indoors and social distancing during the pandemic has given a steep surge in telemedicine which enabled many healthcare providers to have access and monitor the patients.

Telemedicine is not only making the whole idea of healthcare more accessible by delivering healthcare at your doorstep but it is also very cost-effective since it has enabled quick diagnosis, real-time monitoring of patients, in fact in some cases even fully diagnosing the patient without them visiting even for once.

By Manali

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